Jude Ritz’s My Personal Frequency Program PDF Download

Jude Ritz’s My Personal Frequency program PDF download. Feel free to read now! Change, is a difficult thing for some, feared sometimes in fact, some people reading this may think hang on… change is good?!


YES!, you are right – change is incredible, but for some, it is a daunting prospect, for example, if you suffer from mental health problems, or just frankly aren’t good at embracing the new! I am one of these people, I have a long-standing fear of change, the fear of failure, of not being good enough, or simply feeling like what I do or say just isn’t important or interesting enough for someone to want to read or listen to.


Second-guessing yourself this way is quite truly a very exhausting cycle, not to mention extremely unhealthy and toxic. During lock-down, we’ve all been forced to take a moment and reflect on a lot, whether it be jobs, family, friends, or just things we’ve been avoiding by keeping busy, when you have been forced to sit in that mirror and look back at yourself there truly is no escaping what you see looking back at you, what you truly think and feel in that moment, but I think maybe this is a crucial step in becoming more aware of ourselves and finding value in true meaning and gratitude of what we have and what we have the ability to change in our lives.


So this is me, facing my fears, doubts, and any misguided misconception that I had, I will make a change, to write again, to do what I love, and to hopefully take you all along with me, to finding out way in this crazy world, pandemics and all!

Read the full article at: drive.google.com